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GOCs Unite!

Martanna Lunna is an eighteen year old aspiring makeup artist. She became interested in extravagant makeup a year and a half ago because of a well-known makeup artist in the goth community, Drac Makens. “She was my biggest inspiration, and when I got to speak to her it was such a huge motivation.” Martanna got bored with doing her makeup the exact same everyday until she got the confidence to shave off her eyebrows. “Being in the gothic subculture has been bittersweet, but mostly on the sweet side. All my friends and a lot of strangers love my creativity, and I inspire other goths to be more creative. There isn’t anything that brings me more joy than to inspire!” She cites herself as her own main inspiration for her extravagant looks. Martanna’s goals for the future are to hopefully become a licensed hair and makeup artist.

Where to find Martanna:

About Hyde Falkenstine

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